Waiver Anyone participating in or volunteering for NPower Services' activities must complete and submit this waiver. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.I/we (print name/s) have read and understand the below waiver/ consent form and understand that it pertains to participants, volunteers, and others in an assistive role. *Waiver & Registration for NPower Services’ Activities This is a Consent / Waiver Form for any NPower Services activity including but not limited to Geauga Joggers & Walkers; RockAbility; Power Ups (or any fitness program); Volunteer Inclusion Activities; Employment and Employability Skill-building and Job Placement; Entrepreneur’s Corner; Project: Kindness, or other activities. This form acknowledges that either I, myself, or my dependent (ie, son / daughter) agrees to participate in a voluntary exercise, music, artistic or other skill-building or quality-of-life program. This form also pertains to volunteers, providers and anyone who may participate in an assistive role. This is a waiver of injury as well as a consent to use photographs for promotional purposes. It is up to participants to inform the photographer and / or avoid being photographed if they do not want their images to be used. Some gatherings may include food or beverages. Participants with food allergies are responsible to avoid anything that could cause an unwanted reaction. Participants and guardians understand that NPower Services is not liable for any injuries that may occur while participating in these activities. NPower Services does not pay or compensate people for participating in any activity; clients should not have any expectation of payment for participation. Activities will be canceled due to poor or unsafe weather conditions; it is up to participants to check email, phones or social media outlets for updates regarding cancellations. Participants are responsible for their own safety and transportation. Additionally, if issues arise where participation is not a good fit, participants and / or volunteers may be asked to leave. Participation is considered to be “at will.” Fitness-related activities including Geauga Joggers & Walkers, yoga, Power Ups or others: Walks and runs will occur on trails or sidewalks which may be uneven. Fitness classes will be held in a working gym. Exercise often assumes the risk of injury, though care is taken to minimize risks. People with extraordinary needs must provide a caregiver. Please ensure that proper clothing and shoes are worn. NPower Services is not liable for any injuries sustained before, during or upon egress from these activities. Participants will not receive compensation for participating. RockAbility and other music or arts events: Musicians with disabilities collaborate at weekly RockAbility rehearsals with typical musicians. The majority of these practices will occur at the West Geauga Schools / Metzenbaum Transportation building (8100 Cedar Road / Chesterland, Ohio 44026), but may also be at different sites. Additionally, the group performs at events and concerts. Other music activities including Drum Circles may be held at various locations. NPower Services may hold other activities that involve art supplies (paints, oils, pastels, brushes, putty knives and other tools). NPower Services is not liable for any injuries sustained before, during or upon egress from these activities. Participants will not receive compensation for participating. Other activities: NPower Services is always looking for skill-building and socialization opportunities related to athletics, the arts, volunteering, employment, and entrepreneurship and will offer such activities as is feasible. Participants in these activities are responsible for their own safety and transportation. Participants will not receive compensation for participating. read signature any I/we give permission for (self or my dependent) (print name) to participate in NPower Services’ Activities. We understand that NPower Services, The Wembley Club, the YMCA, Metzenbaum, West Geauga Schools or any other entity or venue we partner with - will not be held liable for any injuries. We understand participants in these activities are responsible for their own safety and transportation and that they will not receive compensation for participating or volunteering. *Participant’s signature (your typed name is the equivalent of your signature on this form): *Guardian’s signature (your typed name is the equivalent of your signature on this form): *Date: *Participant’s age: *Participant’s phone: *Phone(s) and names where a responsible party can be contacted DURING any activities: *Email: *List any allergies or medical conditions: *List any medications: *Submit